Honorin Hamard, world record-holder with the BipBip

Honorin Hamard, world record holder with the BipBip In recent weeks, Honorin Hamard has broken his world record twice in a row with two FAI triangles of 306km and 329.5km! Honorin Hamard flies the leBipBip mini solar variometer. Well done Honorin! Related posts

Cielo y Tierra: 1000km on horseback and paragliding in Colombia

Cielo y Tierra: 1000km on horseback and paragliding in Colombia What if we combined paragliding, horse riding, astrophysics and ecology? That's the idea behind Cielo y Tierra: two adventurous women, Marja the astrophysicist and Kira the ecologist, armed with paragliders, telescopes and an unquenchable thirst for travel. A 1000km journey on horseback and [...]